







網站建設:價格不重要 技術才是關鍵
目前,在互聯網高速發展時代,有了“顛覆”性存在,而這里所謂的顛覆就是打破由于商業模式從而鑄造出新商業模式,而目前在網站建設當中也是存在有這樣問題,并且也面臨著極大考驗,而多數用戶在這樣的環境之下也是出現了兩難的境界,尤其是在價格上尤其是敏感,目前在網站建設中價格存在有天壤之別,那么,究竟是差在了那里呢,這里就簡單為大家介紹。 At present, the high speed development in the Internet era, there are the "subversion", where the so-called subversion is broken because of the new business model, business model and casting now is also have such problems in the website construction, and also facing the huge test, and most users under such an environment is the state of a dilemma, especially particularly sensitive on price, the price there is much difference exists in the website construction, so, what is bad in there, here is a simple introduction for you.   1、免費建設 Free construction   對于現在的互聯網企業來說,經常會出現“免費”號角,并且對此也是樂此不彼,這就導致了對各個行業的橫沖直撞,最著名的無疑就是360免費殺毒軟件、淘寶交易免費移機QQ免費等,而在這個免費背后,這些公司無疑都是賺了個盆滿缽滿那么為何免費了還會有如此盈利呢,這無疑就是互聯網目前的新形式、新邏輯,利用免費來吸引流量,之后就可以退出付費的項目從而獲得盈利了。 For Internet companies now, often there will be a "free", and this is this not 1 pet, this has led to various industries on the rampage, and one of the most famous is 360 free antivirus software, taobao transactions free switching QQ free, etc., and behind this free, these companies are clearly make a big free so why there will be so profitable, this is the new form, new Internet logic, use free to attract traffic, then can acquire profit out of the project to pay.   同樣邏輯,免費網站也是如此,剛開始看上去是華麗網站上線了,只需要在你的網站中掛個廣告就實現了宣傳目的,自己的網站我們每天都是需要登錄進行打理的,而在用戶對我們網站訪問時候是需要經過一級域名才能夠跳轉到我們這個二級域名網站的,偶爾點擊回去六郎不是到了我們自己網站而是到了一些免費建站主頁,說到底免費建站就是為他人做嫁衣的,所以我們需要有這樣認知,天上沒有掉餡餅事情,即便是承諾免費也是有很多“坑”等著我們往里面跳呢?! The same logic, so is a free web site, just looks like a gorgeous website launched, only need to hang in your website advertising will achieve the propaganda purposes, their own websites we need to log in to do every day, and when the user access to our website is need through the primary domain name to jump to our secondary domain name site, click back occasionally six lang is not in our own website but got some free website home page, at the end of the day is free website for others to be forgotten, so we need to have such a cognitive, heaven not off the pie, even promised free is also have a lot of "pit" waiting for us to jump inside? !

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